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IMTECH organizes National Seminar on Crystallography

CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) today organized the 50th

National Seminar on Crystallography in joint association with Indian Crystallographic

Association (ICA). The seminar being conducted in IMTECH from 22nd to 24th

November, 2023 shall help and serve as a platform for crystallographers from across

the country to present and learn about latest cutting-edge research findings,

methodologies, and best practices in crystallography. About 300 participants from

different academic research institutes as well as from the industry; across the length

and breadth of the country are taking part in the conference. The field of

crystallography takes into its fold the disciplines like Physics, Chemistry, Biology,

Crystal Growth, Crystal Engineering, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology which aids in

drug discovery and engineering novel materials.

Dr Shekhar C. Mande, former DG, CSIR, & Distinguished Professor, Savitribai

Phule Pune University, who was also the Chief Guest for the occasion, inaugurated

the three day-long 50th National Seminar on Crystallography. He delivered a keynote

lecture on "Crystal Structure of NrdI: NrdF complex of the Ribonucleotide reductase

Class Ib enzymes" and highlighted that India has a rich tradition of the

crystallographers since pre-Independence era.

Dr Sanjeev Khosla, Director, IMTECH while welcoming the participants gave a

brief background of CSIR-IMTECH and said, "The major objective of this National

Seminar on Crystallography is to highlight that crystallography is an indispensable tool

in the fields as diverse as materials science and biology.” The students and young

researchers would get a chance to interact with the experienced team and that would

help them to shape up their interests in crystallography.

Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Chief Scientist & convener of the seminar informed that

IMTECH along with ICA is celebrating golden jubilee of the National Seminar on

Crystallography. This annual conference provides an opportunity for the young and

senior researchers to share knowledge that is vital for advancing research in fields like

materials science, drug discovery, and structural biology. There are more than 100

invited talks by scientists, professors & young researchers of reputed institutes and a

similar number for poster presentations.

CSIR-IMTECH is a national center for excellence in microbial sciences and was

established in 1984 under the aegis of CSIR. IMTECH’s vision and mission are to

create translational ecosystem strengthened by fundamental discoveries and to

address unmet healthcare and industrial needs with state-of-the-art processes and


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